Photo Contest

Calling all amateur or professional photographers: Show us your best color photography!

Savings Bank of Walpole (SBW) is excited to celebrate 150 years of community banking and announce the seventh annual Community Calendar and Website Photo Contest!

What can I win?

A $100 cash prize will be awarded for each winning photo – up to a maximum of 10 entries. All winners are responsible for the payment of any federal, state and local taxes on their prize(s).

What type of photos will win?

Winning photos will demonstrate a strong focus on community events and people enjoying the venues, attractions and local businesses in New Hampshire. Photos should highlight the unique character and beauty of the state’s local communities.

We invite you to submit photos that beautifully represent what it means to live, work and play in New Hampshire: community events such as parades, fairs, festivals and local sporting events; local landmarks; areas of scenic beauty; seasonal pastimes, such as fishing, ice fishing, sailing, hiking, skiing and boating; and interesting artwork.

Judging of all submitted photography will be blind – the name of the photographer will not be known by the judging panel. Decisions will be based on suitability of the subject, quality of the photography, and adherence to the purpose of the contest.

Where will the winning photos be displayed?

Winning photos for the calendar contest will be displayed in SBW’s 2026 community calendar. They may also be selected for use in our annual holiday cards or other occasion cards.

Winning photos for the website contest may be displayed on SBW’s website and social media pages.

How do I submit my photos?

Between Tuesday, April 1, through Saturday, May 31, 2025, you can click the “Enter Online” button below, follow the instructions on the form, then click the submit button once all entries are attached. Electronic submissions must be in either JPEG, TIFF, or PNG format.

Where do I find the rules?

Employees of Savings Bank of Walpole and its affiliates are not excluded from this competition.

Some things to remember:

  • The contest runs from Tuesday, April 1, through Saturday, May 31, 2024
  • The submission requirements for the Calendar contest are different from the requirements for the Website contest – so read the Rules carefully.
  • Each entrant may submit up to five entries for the Website contest, and another five for the Calendar contest
  • The photography competition is open to all photographers, amateur or professional.
  • High-resolution digital images must be submitted. Details vary depending upon if you are submitting for the calendar contest or website/social media, so please read the rules carefully.
  • Employees of Savings Bank of Walpole and its affiliates are not excluded from this competition.


Entries must be submitted electronically and received by the end of the business day on Saturday, May 31, 2025.

Winners will be notified in August.

No payment or purchase is necessary to enter or win. A payment or purchase will not improve your chances of winning. Void where prohibited by law.


If you have any questions, please call Danielle Ruffo at or Kristen Noonan at