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Arts Alive
The mission of Arts Alive is to enhance quality of life by advancing arts and culture in the Monadnock region.
How Arts Alive serves our community
Arts Alive serves our community by elevating and empowering arts and culture in the following ways:
- Promote arts in the region to connect new audiences to Monadnock-made and locally presented creative work.
- Advocate to ensure there is ample support and resources to enhance both access to the arts and sustainability of the arts.
- Provide technical assistance, affirmation, and inspiration to creative businesses across the region.
- Arts Alive spearheads and supports a number of ongoing programs that help create awareness about the important ways art helps to enhance and make a difference in our community.
- Ongoing Programs
- Discover Monadnock Helps promote arts events across the region through our cultural calendar and a weekly cultural events newsletter sent to over 2000 recipients.
Arts Ambassadors Program Ongoing development of a grassroots movement of art lovers who want to support, advocate for, and volunteer to make the arts community more sustainable.
Arts & Loneliness Study Through a partnership with Antioch, we’re conducting ongoing research to determine the positive impact that arts participation and community events have on helping to counter loneliness in our community.
Keene Arts Core Focus is on facilitating conversations, design work, and community-building around creating dynamic public infrastructure in Keene that celebrates the arts and honors our region’s creative vibrancy.
Ewing Arts Awards A fun, glitzy ceremony that recognizes over a dozen local artists, arts leaders, arts presenters, and arts educators.
Weekly One-on-one Coaching through the Hannah Grimes Center Coaching sessions to help make connections and build community for artists, new arts leaders, and creative entrepreneurs in our region.
Radically Rural We coordinate the Arts Track of the annual Radically Rural national summit to bring rural innovative ideas and doers from across the country together to glean inspiration and visions for how our community might grow.
Fiscal Sponsorships Nova Arts, NSquared Dance, the Read Listen Write Festival, the Art Table, New Hampshire Arts Learning Network, and Friends of Public Art are all under our fiscal sponsorship umbrella where our aim is helping them to raise money/work with them to integrate and present arts activities and programs in ways that increase access to the arts for many different communities.
Other Initiatives
Artist-to-Artist Webinars A series of webinars on building and sustaining creative businesses in partnership with Hannah Grimes, the Center for Women Entrepreneurs, and other state-wide partners (launching Summer 2022)
For more information, contact Arts Alive by visiting their website, monadnockartsalive.org.