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Feeding Tiny Tummies
Our mission is to feed the tummies and the minds of the next generation—one bag, one week, one child at a time and to ensure the needs of children with food insecurities in our community are met.
How Feeding Tiny Tummies serves our community
Feeding Tiny Tummies is a nonprofit organization that provides food for children at schools, Head Start programs, preschools and day care facilities across Cheshire and Sullivan County. In addition to providing nourishment for tummies, the organization also feeds the minds of children by always including an academic item—from activity pages and crayons to a book. Recently, the organization started a new initiative doing drive-through mobile pick-ups of food that are then delivered to some elderly housing and town pantries in the community.
The organization hosts Open Community days twice a week on Tuesdays (10 AM to Noon) and Thursdays (5-7 PM) at their Resource Center, providing a number of different services for both children and adults including:
- Access to a computer, the internet, a scanner and a copier
- A classroom offers free classes weekly including parenting, cooking on a budget and a couponing class that the organization posts weekly on the their website and Facebook pages
- A clothes closet with personal items
- A library
Ongoing back to school programs
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and summer programs.
To make a donation to Feeding Tiny Tummies, visit feedingtinytummies.com. To learn more about Feeding Tiny Tummies, their programs and how you can help and/or volunteer call (603) 352-5690 or email feedingtinytummies@yahoo.com