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Keene Housing Kids Collaborative
Our mission is building the foundation for successful adulthood. We do this by giving children access to opportunities and experiences in the community that will help them learn, grow and become economically independent adults.
How Keene Housing Kids Collaborative serves our community
Keene Housing Kids Collaborative (KHKC) is a non-profit organization serving kids that live in housing owned or managed by Keene Housing, including Housing Choice voucher holders. We remove the financial barriers that prevent children living in financially struggling households from being able to participate in activities in the community. We’re here to help children reach their full potential by giving them access to opportunities and experiences in the community that will help them gain confidence, have fun, learn, get ready for kindergarten, do well in elementary school, and exit high school with the tools that will help them become economically independent adults.
We provide parents who are residents of Keene Housing and Southwestern Community Services housing with information about kids programs and activities that are available to them at no cost. From there, we work as the conduit between parents and the organizations to get children involved. We partner with over 30 organizations in the community to provide our kids access to their programming, some examples include the Keene Family YMCA, MoCo Arts, and Project Keep (Keene School District afterschool program).
To learn more about the great opportunities we offer our children, please call us at (603)283-5464, or email Anna Crosby our Youth Services Administrator at acrosby@keenekidscollaborative.org, or visit our website.