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Making Community Connections Charter School
The Making Community Connections Charter School (MC2) mission is both bold and pragmatic. We aspire to build our school, with the potential to establish a sustainable network of multiple preschool through graduate school pathways, such that every learner can confidently say MC2 is: “Empowering me to use my unique voice effectively and with integrity in co-creating our global public world.”
How Making Community Connections Charter School serves our community
Our mission is community service and we do this in numerous ways:
• With Community Service at the forefront of our mission, MC2 requires students to contribute towards multiple service programs throughout their education, culminating in the Capstone Graduation Research Project.
• Our staff hosts visitors from other schools and groups with the intent of always sharing and learning about how to expand the possibilities of what “school” can be. We offer all our resources and support pro bono, just asking for credit if others “use and improve” our work.
• Our presence provides yet another option for families and students who are seeking some thing different from their public school experiences. Our flexible model, student-centered discussions, and family-involved structures help redefine “school” for everyone.
What Does MC2 Do?
MC2 is a non profit charter high school located in Keene, NH. We seek to uncover, recover, and discover the unique gifts and talents of each of our learners. We work corroboratively with our local community including families and social service agencies to ensure our learners graduate with the will, skill, capacity, and knowledge to achieve their goals and contribute to the greater good.
How Does MC2 Serve Our Community?
• Internship Program – MC2 School’s unpaid interns grow and learn in professional settings while also contributing countless hours of service to businesses, nonprofits, and NGOs.
• Einbeck Exchange Program – recently the Keene Partner City Committee reached out to us, at the request of former Mayor Hansel, to have the MC2 staff take up the mantle of the high school exchange program. This program not only provides travel and cultural immersion opportunities for students, but has also inspired a traveler’s relative to seek independent immersion as a student teacher in our model.
• Annual Haunted House – A huge community-building exercise, we work with dozens of volunteers to transform our campus into a walk-through haunted house, open to the public.
• Co-Create Maker Space – our newest program intends to grow our in-house making opportunities into a full-fledged community maker space open to the wider public outside of school hours.
• When the only local Driving Education School, TSR, reached out in need of new space, we rewrote our policies to be able to help house and accommodate their need.
• Food Security – through longstanding partnerships with Feeding Tiny Tummies and the Keene Community Kitchen, our staff regularly helps families access local resources during challenging times.
For more information about how to support MC2 School, visit mc2school.org, call (603) 283–0844 or email contact@mc2school.org