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Monadnock Developmental Services
At Monadnock Developmental Services (MDS), our mission is to work toward inclusion, participation and mutual relationships for all people who are at risk of isolation from the community.
How Monadnock Developmental Services serves our community
For forty years, MDS has worked with local families and partner organizations to make it possible for thousands of people with developmental disabilities and acquired brain injuries to create meaningful lives and contribute to our community. Every person, regardless of ability, has the right to make a life with purpose—the opportunity to go to school, work, have relationships, and participate in the community.
MDS and its local partners deliver community-based support and
services to more than a thousand individuals and families every day. MDS is designated by the state of New Hampshire as the Region V Area Agency to assist individuals with disabilities to live in their communities. MDS offers a broad range of services:
Early childhood supports and services: MDS provides evaluation and treatment for developmental delays in infants and toddlers, as early
as possible to help and improve outcomes for children in our region,
especially those at risk.
Family support: We help families find ways to connect with one another and access necessary resources in the lifelong journey. MDS and its Family Council support the role that families play in making decisions about the design and implementation of MDS services and supports.
Transition: MDS works with individuals in high school, their families, secondary educators and state organizations to help young people make a smooth and successful transition from high school to post-secondary schooling and the working world.
Respite: We provide temporary relief for family members under stress with short-term care respite for a family member with a developmental disability or chronic health condition. Our Partners in Health program provides respite care for families with children with chronic health conditions as well.
Employment: In addition to developing job opportunities and matching individuals and employers, MDS provides training and on-site support. One program in particular — Project SEARCH — is an employment training program for adults with developmental disabilities and is focused on helping them develop marketable skills. This program is a collaboration with Cheshire Medical Center and NH Vocational Rehabilitation.
Run-Walk-Smile 5K/10K/1-Mile Race: As MDS’s annual fundraiser, this initiative raises money for adult dental care. Hundreds of participants and donors and dozens of sponsors have provided funds for dental care for hundreds of individuals since our first race in 2014.
To learn more about our organization and the important services MDS offers our community, please call us at (603) 352-1304 or send an email to linda@mds-nh.org.