HSAs and IRAs

…accounts allow for payment of qualified expenses by debit card or check (online Bill Pay or standard check). Account advantages include: Interest earnings on your funds Free Online Banking access… […]

Branch Decorating Contest

…Facebook, www.facebook.com/SavingsBankofWalpole/. Pictures of the Bank’s five branches will be posted on Friday, December 14th and page visitors can “like” their favorite over the weekend. The branch with the most… […]

Arts Alive

…we’re conducting ongoing research to determine the positive impact that arts participation and community events have on helping to counter loneliness in our community. Keene Arts Core Focus is on… […]

Rise for baby and family

…looking for new ways to support families. Recently, the organization has held several community cafes. These group events allow families to come together and support each other, guided by an… […]

Keene Housing Kids Collaborative

…access to opportunities and experiences in the community that will help them learn, grow and become economically independent adults. How the organization serves our community Keene Housing Kids Collaborative (KHKC)… […]