Front & Center in our Community: Monadnock Perio


Dr. Tae Kwon, Periodontist, DDS, MMsc
Monadnock Perio and Implant Center

Lives in: Keene, NH since 2015

Number of employees: 12
(including partner Dr. Howard Yen, DMD)

Hobbies: Hiking, baseball
(HUGE Toronto Blue Jays fan—sorry
Red Sox!)

“ Unity in the community is beneficial
to all.” —Dr. Tae Kwon


About The Business

Monadnock Perio & Implant Center provides periodontics and dental implants throughout the Monadnock Region and Cheshire County. We are a full-service dental practice that has extensive experience with complex dental issues and options for treatment that are designed to provide patients with excellent results for a wide range of periodontal, implant and restorative dental care. We’re highly committed to providing our patients with the best periodontic services—and we’re passionate about doing so. Visit

Business Philosophy

“I work hard to build relationships with patients by providing them with the best dental care. Nobody loves to go to the dentist and especially the periodontist. It can be overwhelming. So I try to make my patients feel comfortable—sometimes using humor to break the ice and help them feel more at ease. My ultimate goal? To ensure that people in our amazing community are healthy—and smiling.”